Monday, 18 November 2019

illusions are artifacts of sensory processing.
Though misperceptions, they highlight principles and objectives that
govern normal neural processing. Therefore, a comprehensive theory of vision
should be able to account for optical illusions. Here I will tell about retinal
mechanisms hacked by such types of stimuli.
I strongly
recommend arming yourself with a plan of the retina from a Figure 1.
The retina
has to provide the rest of the body with sufficient information about the
visual environment. On the other hand, we would like it to consume as little
energy as possible. To achieve both of these goals, the retina has to be
efficient and transmit only important information.
The visual
environment is an aggregate of figures and backgrounds. We are interested in
their separation i.e. evaluating differences between them. A way to perform
this task efficiently is to transmit information about contrast instead of an
absolute light intensity. Contrast characterizes how objects differ in a
reflecting light. This is an internal property of an object, thus it allows
discriminating objects regardless of the absolute intensity of the incident
light. Hence, there is no need to send information about it and this optimizes
retinal performance.
How to
estimate contrast? Figures are surrounded by other figures and background, so
we estimate contrast by subtracting the signal of a given photoreceptor from
the signals collected by its neighbors. This process is mediated by horizontal
and amacrine cells and called “lateral inhibition”. Consequentially, bipolar
cells, which collect signals from photoreceptors, and ganglion cells, which
transmit it further to the brain, exhibit antagonistic center-surround
receptive field arrangements. That is, these cells are excited by stimuli in
their centers, and inhibited by ones in their surround. So essentially they
transmit difference between center and surround.
The illusion
shown in Figure 2 exploits this processing strategy. Although painted uniformly
throughout, the rectangle shown appears lighter on the left and darker on the
right. As we know now, the illusion occurs because instead of perceiving an
objects absolute brightness we perceive how it differs from its surroundings.
As the background is dimmer on the left and lighter on the right, the contrast
between background and rectangle is higher leftwards. Thus, object appears
illusion based on this principle - perceiving not intensity, but contrast, is
Hermann grid. In Figure 3, with a quick glance we can note grey blobs on the
intersections of the grid.
There is a
sudden increase in background luminance when we shift our gaze to an
excitation of the receptive field center remains the same, whereas inhibitory
signals from the background suddenly become stronger, thereby darkening the
perceived shade of the interception.
It is notable that is even simplest
retina-inspired neuromorphic devices (Mahowland and Mead 1991) are susceptible
to Herman grid illusion. It highlights that illusory effects arise from the
very basics, almost nuts and bolts, of retinal processing.
Light Adaptation
lateral inhibition removes information about absolute light intensities from
the photoreceptor outputs, they still need to deal with huge variations in the
level of their inputs. The reason for this is very simple: light intensity can
vary over 7 orders of magnitude, but the response range of photoreceptors is
quite limited. To overcome this issue photoreceptors decrease their sensitivity
upon stimulation. This process underlies afterimage illusions.
Let’s consider the image in Figure 4. If you
look at it for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then direct your gaze to a white
object, you will perceive cyan inscription over a magenta background. This is
called an “afterimage”. It is a retinal effect, so if you will move your eyes
along a white object, the cyan inscription will move as well. Humans possess
three types of photoreceptors for color vision: red, green and blue. When you stare
at a red inscription, red-sensitive photoreceptors gradually decrease their
sensitivity. That’s why white objects stimulate them to a lesser extent than it
does with green and blue-sensitive photoreceptors. We perceive color as a
relative activation of opponent channels: red versus green, yellow versus blue,
and white versus black. So decreased activation of red channel shifts the
overall color picture to its complementary color, that is - cyan. The magenta
color of the background can be explained by similar logic.
Dress & Color Constancy
Back in a
day, the dress in figure 5 caused a lot of dispute about its color on the
Despite the
true color of the dress being blue and black, roughly 40% of people perceive it
as white and gold or blue and gold (Lafer-Sousa et al. 2015). This photo
highlights stunning and bizarre individual differences in color perception.
composition of a light reflected by an object, also known as color, is one of
its internal properties. Thus, it can help with object identification. Hence,
we would like to minimize the influence of illumination on its perception.
Indeed, even though evening illumination is quite red compared to midday light,
the perceived colors of your car or of tree leaves remain unchanged. This
phenomenon is called color constancy, and it is this mechanism that is confused
by the dress.
To have the
colors of an object constant under various illuminations we simply need to
discard illumination. According to experimental data, that is where differences
in the dress color perception arises. First of all (Aston and Hurlbert 2017),
people who see the dress as blue and black have a tendency to estimate
illumination as yellowish, and those who perceive the dress as white and gold
think that illumination is blue. Moreover, when the cues to the illumination
are enhanced (Lafer-Souza et al. 2015) ambiguity in a dress perception
Although color constancy engages various
cortical mechanisms, essentially it is a figure-background segregation task.
Hence, it roots lay in a lateral inhibition, which initiates within the retina
and is repeated at the various levels in the visual cortex.
Perceiving the Present
In contrast
to our eukaryotic brothers, we animals are able to move and movement vastly
increases the pace of life. This is why the nervous system emerged: to guide,
coordinate and navigate us. As Pavlov
brilliantly demonstrated, the nervous system anticipates rather than reacts. In
an ever-changing world, being ready for today means being late because
preparation takes time.
Vision is
there to create a map of an environment. Signal processing and transmission
take time. That leads to a delay of roughly 100ms between stimulus onset and
elicited perception.
This is
mainly due to the slow transduction processes of photoreceptors that transduce
photons into electrical signals. The visual system needs to compensate for this
delay somehow if we really want to perceive the present.
According to
Changizi et al. (Changizi et al. 2008) confusion of this mechanism leads to a
vast number of optical illusions, like the classical geometrical illusions.
combination of these illusions (Herring, Orbison and Ponzo) are shown in Figure
6. Motion leads to a displacement of the objects. In this case, compensation
for the delay is critically important. To compensate, we need to estimate how
the scene will look in the following 100 ms. To do so we use some cues to
figure out the direction and speed of movement and then to model how it will
affect an object.
The optical flow induced by motion engenders
radial “smear’’, which is mimicked by the radial display shown in Figure
6. It makes us think we move forward.
What we see is not an actual picture, but how it will look like in the next
moment. When you pass through the door, its opening goes sideways. That’s why
the vertical lines in Herring illusion appears non-parallel. Surprisingly, we
become closer to objects in a direction of motion while moving. As a result,
the retinal area on which their image is projected, also known as angular size
increases. This causes distortion of the squares shape in Figure 6, a phenomena
referred to as an Orbison illusion. Same
reason underpins Ponzo illusion as well.
6 M. A.
Changizi et al./Cognitive Science 32 (2008)
activity moves at the true location of the object or even along its leading
edge (Berry et al. 1999). It means that the delay is already compensated for on
the level of retinal output. The underlying mechanism is as follows: Ganglion
cell activation reports that an object is passing by. Earlier we discussed
receptive fields - areas from which neurons collect their inputs. Receptive
fields are extended in space. Therefore, a moving object activates some of the
ganglion cells ahead of its motion. It activates ganglion cells when just
crosses the edge of the receptive field, but not completely passed by yet. So in a way, the spatial extension of the
ganglion cell receptive fields compensates for the delay. One might note that such spatial extension
alone is not enough for a proper delay cancelation. Since it also implies
activity of ganglion cells when object have already passed by. This issue is
overcome by using transient cells as they only activate briefly when an object
crosses their receptive field, then quickly return to their non-activated
and based on a personal experience with tracking objects, we might suggest that
the quality of extrapolation and delay cancelation should depend upon a
contrast, which is indeed the case. While interesting, this is not a very surprising
result. We already know that due to
lateral inhibition, the signal fed into ganglion cells is simply contrast. Weak
signals i.e. weak contrast will just fail to activate ganglion cell in a proper
way regardless of the speed, direction or any other parameter of motion.
There are
more than 20 different types of ganglion cells. Each type senses its particular feature. However, regardless of those
features all ganglion cells inevitably sense contrast and this sometimes
creates a mess. For instance, let’s consider the next example, the “Plaid
stimulus”. This stimulus consists of two gratings passing through each other.
When asked about the direction of plaid motion we Homo sapiens show a bias
towards grating with the higher contrast as this contrast causes stronger
activation of the corresponding direction-selective cells. This subset of
ganglion cells only activate when an object moves in a certain direction along
vertical and horizontal axes.
There is
also a certain type of retinal ganglion cells, which detect an object
It is
contrast-sensitive as well. I suppose that’s why the left part of a rectangle
in Figure 7 appears slightly closer.
Indeed, higher contrast causes stronger activation of approach-sensitive
cells in the part of the retina where an image of this object is projected. So
in terms of ganglion cell firing rates, it looks like the stimulus on the left
is approaching us.
As you
remember, to perceive the present the visual system has to model how a scene
will change in the next moment. And, as you might also note, objects which
we approach usually becomes closer. In addition, its angular size increases. That’s
why the circle with the higher contrast in Figure 7 looks bigger.
7 M. A.
Changizi et al./Cognitive Science 32 (2008)
Here I discussed some neuronal processes behind
optical illusions. Namely light adaptation, lateral inhibition and compensation
of neuronal delays. These are all very
general, basic and subliminal mechanism of visual processing. The bottom line
here is that optical illusions stem from the organization of the nervous system
itself, from its ultimate limitations and concerns. These incorrect-perceptions
hack-strategies in most cases are consequences of optimizing neuronal
performance. So perception of illusions is a downside of neuronal efficiency,
which meanwhile nicely illustrates this efficiency.
Aston, S.,
& Hurlbert, A. (2017). What #theDress reveals about the role of
illumination priors in color perception and color constancy. Journal of Vision,
17(9):4, 1–18, doi:10.1167/17.9.4.
Berry, M.J.,
2nd, Brivanlou, I.H., Jordan, T.A., and Meister, M. (1999). Anticipation of
moving stimuli by the retina. Nature 398, 334–338.
M.A., Hsieh A., Nijhawan R., Kanai R., Shimojo S. Perceiving the Present and a
Systematization of Illusions. Cognitive Science 32 (2008) 459–503
R., Hermann, K. L., & Conway, B. R. (2015). Striking individual differences
in color perception uncovered by ‘‘the dress’’ photograph. Current Biology,
25(13), R545–R546.
Misha, Mead Carver “The Silicon Retina” Scientific American, May 1991
Monday, 11 March 2019

The switchBoard project - a review
Authors: Prerna Srivastava and Maj-Britt Hölzel (ESRs)
More than two years are over since the first annual meeting in Tübingen in 2016 October, where we first met each other. We are 15 PhD-students from different parts of the world brought together in one Innovative Training Network, the switchBoard (http://www.etn-switchboard.eu/), supervised by leading scientists in the field. In this blog article we want to go through the timeline of our program to look back on some of the opportunities we got as being a part of this network.
October 2016: During our first meeting, we got to know each other, the projects and scientific backgrounds of the other early stage researchers (ESRs). It was really exciting to meet people with different cultural backgrounds but the same interest for the retina. During the same meeting, we also got the opportunity to visit the Science Center Experimenta, which was nearby Tübingen, to get some ideas for our museum exhibit, which was going to be the combined outreach activity for the second year of all ESRs. We had a lot of fun but also got many ideas from this daytrip.
May 2017: ESR Gemma Taverni and her colleagues from iniLabs organized a workshop on their Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) camera. Through this workshop the ESRs were able to gain knowledge about the DVS camera and other ongoing research in their labs.
October 2016: During our first meeting, we got to know each other, the projects and scientific backgrounds of the other early stage researchers (ESRs). It was really exciting to meet people with different cultural backgrounds but the same interest for the retina. During the same meeting, we also got the opportunity to visit the Science Center Experimenta, which was nearby Tübingen, to get some ideas for our museum exhibit, which was going to be the combined outreach activity for the second year of all ESRs. We had a lot of fun but also got many ideas from this daytrip.
May 2017: ESR Gemma Taverni and her colleagues from iniLabs organized a workshop on their Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) camera. Through this workshop the ESRs were able to gain knowledge about the DVS camera and other ongoing research in their labs.
June 2017: A month later, we had another workshop on ‘Recording retinal activity using microelectrode arrays (MEAs) organized by ESR Meng-Jung Lee and her colleagues at the NMI, Reutlingen. During this workshop we learned how to record and analyse light responses from the mouse retina using MEAs. In this context, we also got the opportunity to visit another company that is associated with the switchBoard network: MultiChannel Systems GMBH and learned some basics about the MEAs and retinal implants.
Subsequent to this, we had a complementary skill course in Tübingen together with ESRs of another ITN program, MyFUN. This contained topics as ethics, writing of scientific papers, basic legal awareness, lab book organisation and patents. Together with getting knowledge on the above-mentioned topics, this course also gave us the opportunity to interact and build networks with other ITN members as well.
July 2017: Seven ESRs also participated in the Young Researcher Vision Camp, which is a great opportunity for young researchers to learn presenting their research in the best way and exchange knowledge about their own work with other young researchers. The castle Wildenstein, the venue for this meeting, also played a role as a beautiful setting to do this.
September 2017: For researchers it also important to convey their research to the open public. Therefore, we got a media training workshop by Anna Ross (Grasshopper Films) (http://www.grasshopper-films.de). It was a fun week, in which we learned how to arrange a picture for our research profile, to present our research in a small movie and to enhance our communication skills.
July 2017: Seven ESRs also participated in the Young Researcher Vision Camp, which is a great opportunity for young researchers to learn presenting their research in the best way and exchange knowledge about their own work with other young researchers. The castle Wildenstein, the venue for this meeting, also played a role as a beautiful setting to do this.
September 2017: For researchers it also important to convey their research to the open public. Therefore, we got a media training workshop by Anna Ross (Grasshopper Films) (http://www.grasshopper-films.de). It was a fun week, in which we learned how to arrange a picture for our research profile, to present our research in a small movie and to enhance our communication skills.
November 2017: During this month we had our second Annual meeting and Mid-term Review when all of us met in Bergen, Norway. The ESRs presented their progress and got feedback from the whole consortium. During this meeting we also participated in the opening ceremony of our exhibit in VilVite, the Science Center in Bergen. The exhibit was mainly organized by ESR Rémi Fournel together with Prof. Margaret Veruki and Prof. Espen Hartveit and supported by other ESRs and PIs in the network.
July 2018: During the second Complementary Skill course, which we had in Tübingen, we practiced to give a good presentation and got an overview of communication and conflict management. Additionally, speakers with different career paths gave us an overview about career planning and job hunting outside academia.
September 2018: We had our third Annual meeting in Zürich (http://switchboardblog.blogspot.com/2018/08/3rd-annual-meeting-in-zurich-public.html). There ESRs presented their progress and got feedback on their research from the experts in the field. We also got the opportunity to visit different labs at the University of Zürich.
September 2018: We had our third Annual meeting in Zürich (http://switchboardblog.blogspot.com/2018/08/3rd-annual-meeting-in-zurich-public.html). There ESRs presented their progress and got feedback on their research from the experts in the field. We also got the opportunity to visit different labs at the University of Zürich.
February 2019: As there is also a possibility to found a start-up company based on our research, an Entrepreneurship workshop was organized to provide us with some basic knowledge on this topic. We went through the process of describing a problem, finding a solution, developing a product prototype and learned to develop different business models. Sadly, this was our last workshop in Tübingen.
Besides these meetings, courses and workshops, we also learned to improve our communication skills by sharing our research and knowledge with the public during their outreach activities (e.g. poster presentation at TÜFFF, Blog articles, Museum exhibit, open day of the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, introducing the eye and retina in pupils lab).
Other than these activities each ESR also got the opportunity to do secondments in other labs within the network where we could visit the labs of their interest and gain knowledge about the ongoing research and learn other techniques which we could also incorporate into their own research.
All in all the structured ITN program allowed us to already build a network of European retina scientists, with whom we can exchange knowledge and ideas as well as build collaborations. This also helped us a lot in shaping our future career with not just acquiring knowledge from the experts in the field but also developing various interdisciplinary skills.
We, all the ESRs, are very thankful for all the experiences we gained in the last years that enabled us to become independent scientists.
And we are looking forward to our final meeting in May 2019 in Innsbruck!!
Besides these meetings, courses and workshops, we also learned to improve our communication skills by sharing our research and knowledge with the public during their outreach activities (e.g. poster presentation at TÜFFF, Blog articles, Museum exhibit, open day of the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, introducing the eye and retina in pupils lab).
Other than these activities each ESR also got the opportunity to do secondments in other labs within the network where we could visit the labs of their interest and gain knowledge about the ongoing research and learn other techniques which we could also incorporate into their own research.
All in all the structured ITN program allowed us to already build a network of European retina scientists, with whom we can exchange knowledge and ideas as well as build collaborations. This also helped us a lot in shaping our future career with not just acquiring knowledge from the experts in the field but also developing various interdisciplinary skills.
We, all the ESRs, are very thankful for all the experiences we gained in the last years that enabled us to become independent scientists.
And we are looking forward to our final meeting in May 2019 in Innsbruck!!
Friday, 17 August 2018

The 3rd Annual Meeting and Summer School (17-20 September) of
the switchBoard project is approaching. This time it will be organized
by the University of Zürich and ETH Zürich in close collaboration with iniLabs GmbH. Main organizers in particular are early stage researcher Gemma Taverni and her principal investigator, Tobi Delbruck.
They have organized a public Retina Symposium
as well, to which the REGISTRATION IS OPEN for everyone, who might be
interested. Speakers are coming from all over the world to share their
knowledge with us!
Register today! You are very welcome!
Friday, 18 May 2018


Two ESRs, namely Matthew Yedutenko (ESR 7) from the Netherlands Institute of Neuroscience, in Amsterdam (Principal Investigator: Maarten Kamermans) and Antonia Stefanov (ESR 10) from the Italian National Research Council, Institute of Neuroscience in Pisa, Italy (Principal Investigator: Enrica Strettoi) represented the switchBoard project at one of the world's biggest and most renowned conferences, the ARVO 2018 Annual Meeting hosted by Honolulu, Hawaii this year.
ESR 7 presented his data at a Paper Session themed to Photosensitive cells with the title: Cones adapt to higher-order stimulus statistics. He received great feedback following his presentation and was happy to answer or discuss any questions and comments he was addressed to.
ESR 10 was an invited moderator of the Neuroprotection Poster Session where she gained insight into the most up to date therapeutic strategies in Retinitis Pigmentosa and other retinopathies. Furthermore, she presented her data in the Photoreceptor degeneration Poster Session, where she interacted with numerous young and senior researchers, sharing opinions and inspiring each-others' research work. Following her presentation she received several invitations for job interviews from the United States.
The Strettoi Lab at a Poster Session:
The ARVO is well-known for organizing Keynote Lectures inviting reputed and famous researchers to share their knowledge. This year one of the Keynote Lectures was held by Professor Jennifer Doudna, discoverer and inventor of the CRISP-Cas9 gene-editing technology. This technology is revolutionizing gene-therapy, the limit of our possibilities is the starry sky.
ESR 7 with Jennifer Doudna:
Besides attending paper and poster sessions, symposia, workshops, keynote lectures and social events, the ESRs had the opportunity to get introduced to the most up-to-date technologies currently used in Vision Research and Ophthalmology at the Exhibit Area. To date, the greatest achievement in
fundus examination is a new technology, called OCT (Optical Coherence
Tomography), a very quick and effective method for visualizing the living
retinal structure. The instrument can produce a cross-sectional view of this
nervous tissue using only the reflectance characteristics of the light simply through our pupils, as you can see it demonstrated by the Strettoi Lab.
The ARVO Meetings are excellent opportunities for young researchers to present their data, get involved in new collaborations, receive job offers, learn about new technologies and latest experimental result and to find sponsors or funding options. Next year's ARVO 2019 Annual Meeting will be organized in Vancouver, Canada. Registration and abstract submission is now open.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017

This article is written by switchBoard ESRs
Prerna Srivastava, Meng-Jung Lee and David Klindt.
The European Retina
Meeting (ERM) 2017 was held from 5th to 7th October in
Paris. The ERM is a biennial conference series, which was started 10 years ago.
It aims at bringing together people working on different fields of vision to
exchange their ideas and share their innovations in the field. This platform
gave ESRs a huge opportunity to present their first exciting results in front
of the best scientists in the field, which not only helped them in getting
valuable inputs for their project but also opened doors for collaborations.
The first day of the
meeting was opened with a brief retinal anatomy session, chaired by John Dowling, focussing on the “Human and Primate Retina”. It was
followed by session on “Retinal diseases and Therapies”, illuminating progress in
developing new therapeutic approaches towards retinal diseases. Many different aspects of retinal disease treatment were presented.
For instance, transplantation of photoreceptors derived from induced
pluripotent or embryonic stem cell was found to be beneficial in treating
photoreceptor degenerated diseases. Although it remained unclear if the
transplanted photoreceptors integrate into the retina permanently, it showed
great potential as a promising therapeutic method. In addition, new optogenetic
tools were presented towards the recovery from vision loss by expressing
light-sensitive channels in retinal neurons, and the studies are now moving
from rodents to primates. Alternatively, organic retinal prostheses offer a
complete different aspect to treating retinal diseases. By implanting the
electronic device, playing the role of photoreceptors, it stimulates the
remaining retinal neurons and could partially restore vision. Resolution is now
the main issue to be solved. Finally, axon regeneration, a very important topic
to restore vision for glaucoma patients, demonstrates now very promising
results for axon elongation and the future direction will be focusing on guiding
elongated axons to the right targets.
On the next day, the meeting continued with a session on the
“Retinal Impact on Eye Development and Myopia”, followed by session on “Retinal
Circuits” where many interesting findings were covered. The discussed topics
include how the ribbon synapse are modulated in the absence of horizontal cells
and their role in encoding the visual information; functional diversity of the
bipolar cells and how the colour vision from regions where S and M cones have
different spatial distribution is encoded in the mouse inner retina; dynamics
of the circuits for directional selective retinal ganglion cells showed that
the directional preference can be tuned
by repetitive stimulation by strengthening the null direction response. There
were also talks linking the retinal circuits to what the animals may see in their
natural environment, for instance, in zebrafish, photoreceptors sensitive to
different wavelengths distribute differently in the eye corresponding to positions
in visual space. These fascinating results advanced our understanding in the
The last day of the
meeting started with a session on “Tools against retinal diseases” that
introduced the audience to new techniques in the field. Amazing images from different mouse retinal cell types –specifically
labelled by adeno-associated viral vectors – were
presented by Botond Roska, who is now developing similar viral vectors for the primate
The meeting then closed with a session on “Light Adaptation”, showing findings that overthrew the conventional point of view for visual
studies. That is to say, rods can be activated with photopic illuminance and
the longer they are stimulated, the more they influence visual perception.
Each day, the lecture sessions
were mixed with poster sessions, where 8 of the switchBoard ESRs presented
their results, namely:
· DavidKlindt on using large population recordings to discover the computations of
individual neurons and group them into functional types. (ESR 1)
· PrernaSrivastava on spontaneous oscillatory networks in the degenerated retina. (ESR
· MaximeZimmermann on Zebrafish colour vision: anisotropic retinal circuits match
asymmetric spectral content in the natural light. (ESR 3).
· SubhashChandra Yadav on comparing AII and A8 amacrine cells in the mouse retina. (ESR
· BenjaminJames on how does multivesicular release contribute to the transmission of the
visual signal. (ESR 6).
· LuciaZanetti on light induced ganglion cell responses in Cav1.4 mutant mouse
retinas. (ESR 9).
· Meng-JungLee on electrically imaging retinal neurons using high-density multi-electrode arrays.
(ESR 11). – see picture.
· IremKilicarslan on rewiring of bipolar cells in congenital stationary blindness
type 2 mouse models. (ESR 14).
Besides these
interesting lecture and poster sessions, on the first day of the meeting
everyone was also invited by the Mayor of Paris to a gala buffet hosted in the
Hôtel de Ville to promote scientific research in the city. The venue was rather
impressive and many retinal researchers gathered to enjoy this delightful
Finally, to motivate
young researchers to present their work, prizes were awarded to the best poster
and a short talk. Mrs. Joana Neves got the prize for the best oral presentation
on the title “MANF as an immune modulatory intervention to improve retinal
regenerative therapies in aging” and Mrs. Rebekah Warwick for the best poster
presentation on the title “Response properties of retinal ganglion cells and
their underlying circuits vary with retina location”. The awardees won the
registration fee and flight tickets for the upcoming ARVO 2018 meeting in
Tuesday, 13 June 2017

main purpose of science is to help people obtain a better understanding of the
world and to give us a better future. Researches in neurological field make us
not only get a closer look to the delicacy of neurons, more importantly, help
human kind to solve neuronal diseases. Scientists have been working on
developing prostheses to improve the quality of lives from patients suffering
from neurodegenerative diseases. The development of retinal implants, like other
prostheses, aim to restore vision for the blind. Here I briefly introduce the
principles of retinal prostheses and summarize some representative projects.
Concepts of Retinal Implants
are composed by very well organized layers of neurons, the photoreceptor layer,
the inner nuclear layer and ganglion cell layer (check our other article
‘RETINA: OUR RULES AND CELLS WHO VIOLATE THEM’ for more detail). Most of the
retinal implants are designed to benefit patients from retinitis pigmentosa
(RP) or age-related macular degeneration (AMD), whose photoreceptor layers
degenerate eventually causing
irreversible vision loss. However, most of the patients, even after years of
suffering from these diseases, still have the remaining inner cells and ganglion
cells in well contact (Weiland
et al., 2011). To recover the vision,
all we need is to find a good way to compensate the loss of photoreceptors;
that is, a device that can sense light
and send the vision signals to the remaining retinal neurons. Therefore, the
main task of retinal prostheses is to transform the light signals into
electrical signals that retinae can understand.
Retinal implants are
most commonly implemented in three approaches: subretinal, epiretinal and suprachoroidal (Zrenner,
the subretinal approach, the implant is placed right between the pigment
epithelial layer, which is the layer right next to photoreceptor layer, and the
(lost) photoreceptor layer. This kind of implants are usually made by
light-sensitive photodiodes that make them able to transfer the light into
small currents. They play the role of photoreceptors and rely on the remaining
neuronal network for the rest of signal transduction. The advantages of implants
from subretinal side are therefore 1. Easy positioning 2. Directly replace the
damaged photoreceptors 3. No external cameras are required.
However, they currently face the problem
of power supply, meaning they either need
huge amount of light in order to generate sufficient current, usually a
lot higher than the light from nature environment. Patients today need to carry an external power source which
provides sufficient voltage for stimulation.
the other hand, epiretinal implants are placed directly on the retinal ganglion
cell layer. As retinal ganglion cells act as the output of the visual signal to
the brain, implants no longer rely on the remaining neural network; instead,
the implant itself directly transfers the images into electrical pulses to the optic
nerve. For that reason, epiretinal implants are accompanied by external cameras.
The electrical stimuli, compared to subretinal approach, act directly onto the ganglion cells or their
axons and could also help patients even there are barely no remaining healthy
cells. Disadvantages are that they are harder to fix on retina since only one
side of the implant is attached to the retina, they need an extra force to
stabilize the position. More importantly, this approach will need the full
understanding of the activities from dozens types of retinal ganglion cells
without activating axons of passage.
the suprachoroidal approach the implant is
placed between choroid and sclera, and is similar to subretinal approach;
however stimulating from a larger distance and therefore requiring larger
electrodes. (Luo
and da Cruz, 2014).
Representative Examples
Argus® II prosthesis implement a 60 electrodes micro electrode arrays
(MEAs) in an epiretinal fashion. Images are captured by a video processing unit
adapted to eyeglasses, later on sent to the implant in a wireless way. This implant
received a CE mark for medical devices (for Europe) and FDA approval
:Currently more than 100 patients have
received these implants.
implant help patients with bare or no light perception to increase their
abilities of recognize and discriminate forms, localize targets, detect motion,
and navigate. The best visual acuity is reported by 20/1262.
Each of the Alpha-IMS implants comprises 1500 photosensitive pixels and is implanted
in the subretinal side of the fovea, the area with the highest visual acuity.
The photodiodes capture light and transfer it into stimulation currents, which activate
downstream inner neurons; The external power supply is magnetically attached to
a subdermal internal coil (Stingl et al., 2013). This
implant has also been commercially available in Europe and is going through human
clinical trial. Patients with Alpha IMS implants restore partially the ability
of recognition of objects and help them avoid dangerous obstacles on the road.
The best reported visual acuity is 20/546.
These are the two most advanced examples of retinal
implants. Other ongoing consortia like, Pixium, Boston Retinal Implant or TSIC, Taiwan Sub-retinal Implant Consortium are developing own implants.
Challenges and Future
of the few successful cases and
advances made over the last
decade, there are still challenges for retinal implants.. How are the effects
to the chronic stimulation to both the function of the implants and to the
remaining retinal neurons remain unclear. The resolution that implants can
provided is another important issue. Eeven the best implant so far can only
allow patients see objects vaguely. To increase the visual acuity, there are still
a lot of engineering challenges to overcome. Other issues like the significant
remodeling of neural network after photoreceptor degeneration or the lack of
understanding of the interface between retina and the implants are the open
questions to be answered.
there are difficulties to conquer, simple light sensitivity already help blind
people greatly improve their quality of lives. More studies to the fundamental
retinal neurosciences are going to help us explore the possibility and to break
through the boundaries of technology. In the future, implants with better
spatial and temporal resolution can be expected.
Current Status of Projects
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Hoertdoerfer, G., Kernstock, C., et al.
(2013). Artificial vision with wirelessly powered
subretinal electronic implant alpha-IMS. Proceedings of the Royal Society
B-Biological Sciences 280, 20130077.
Weiland, J.D., Cho, A.K., and Humayun, M.S. (2011). Retinal
Prostheses: Current Clinical Results and Future Needs. Ophthalmology 118, 2227-2237.
Zrenner, E. (2013). Fighting
blindness with microelectronics. Science translational medicine 5, 210ps216-210ps216.
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